A Meaningful Connection With Myself: The Power of Journaling

wellbeing Mar 19, 2023

Summary: By reflecting on our thoughts and emotions through journaling, we create a more organized and meaningful inner world, which will help us to be more compassionate with ourselves and trust our intuition. Find out how journaling can help us to identify patterns in our thinking and behavior, process emotions, and develop mindfulness and self-awareness, all of which support intuition.

"One of the most powerful lessons I've learned is that no other connection is as meaningful as the one I have with myself!"


Taking the time to understand my thoughts and feelings, and to be mindful of what I need is the key to living an authentic and meaningful life. I'm learning to be gentle with myself and to trust my intuition. I'm finding that the better I understand myself, the better I can understand and connect with others.


Here's the deal

I also found that by not having this deeper connection with myself it became increasingly difficult to trust my intuition. I would have a feeling coming up in certain moments, like I needed to do something, or say something but I didn’t listen to those nudges, the little whispers that came, because I didn’t truly trust myself. I shrugged those moments off, thinking they were minuscule in the grander scheme of things. However, over time, this not only affected me in my personal life but also professionally.

In my professional career, I began making decisions purely based on logic and rationality which became increasingly limiting and I felt myself becoming more rigid and disconnected.

"I was no longer able to tap into my creative side, which is essential for the growth of my business."


This hindered my ability to come up with innovative solutions, new ideas and have flow in my work. I had to start learning to trust my intuition and instincts again in order to move forward.

Because this deeper connection with my thoughts and emotions was lacking, I began to make choices that didn't align with my values and goals; which resulted in a failure to drive growth and innovation within my business. Additionally, because I relied mainly on logic and analysis, I became overly cautious and risk-averse in decision-making, missing out on opportunities that intuition could have led me to pursue and honestly, wasting a lot of time. 

Depending on any one extreme is never a great idea, and I found that by establishing trust in my intuition and combining it with analysis and strategy, I began making better personal and business decisions. Astoundingly, this resulted in greater success in all aspects of my life! 


My Secret Tool

One of the ways I have successfully established a more meaningful connection with myself is by practicing a daily journaling routine. Through journaling, I can take the time to reflect on my thoughts and emotions and process them in a healthy way. By understanding my inner world and the way I think and feel, I can be more aware of how and why I am the way I am, which in turn, allows me to better manage how I interact with others. This has helped me to be more compassionate with myself and to trust my intuition with greater conviction.

"Journaling for me is like cleaning out a cluttered room and organizing it; where by the end of it, you have a space that is more functional and able to accommodate your needs."

By taking the time to reflect and understand my thoughts and internal narrative, I have created a more organized and meaningful inner world that I can access.



Journaling and Intuition

As I highlighted before, journaling has been fundamental in helping to build greater trust in my intuition. By writing down my thoughts and ideas, I've been able to clarify them and reflect on them more objectively. We don’t realise how much we pick up on from our external environment that inevitably makes its way inward, and sometimes, if we don’t bring a level of attention and awareness to that, we take on the voices, beliefs and stories heard from other people as our own. Hence journaling has helped me to tune into my own voice, recognize patterns and identify underlying problems. Doing the practice regularly is how I've learned to trust my own intuition and become more self-aware.

I've gained a much better understanding of myself by writing down my thoughts. It's helped me figure out when my intuition is telling me something, and how to interpret it and what gets to be discarded or tuned out in my mind. As a result, this deeper level of trust in my intuition has led to more effective decision-making for both personal and professional reasons.

I came to understand that I couldn’t actually make a wrong decision, but there is a difference between an aligned and unaligned decision.

Through journaling and understanding myself on a deeper level, I have been able to develop somewhat of an internal radar to ascertain when something feels aligned or when something is off. 


Here's how journaling can help you:

  1. Reflection: Journaling allows you to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. By taking the time to write down your thoughts, you can gain clarity about your inner voice and the messages it's sending you.

  2. Patterns: Over time, journaling can help you identify patterns in your thinking and behavior. You may notice that certain situations or people consistently trigger a particular feeling or reaction from you. This can help you recognize when your intuition is trying to guide you in a certain direction.

  3. Accountability: When you write down your thoughts and feelings, you create a record that holds you accountable to yourself. You can revisit your journal entries later to see how your intuition has served you in the past and use that information to make decisions in the present.

  4. Processing emotions: Sometimes, when we're feeling overwhelmed or unsure, it can be hard to trust our intuition. Journaling can be a way to process our emotions and work through any blocks that might be preventing us from hearing our inner voice.

  5. Practice: Like any skill, trusting your intuition takes practice. By regularly journaling and tuning in to your inner voice, you can develop a stronger connection to your intuition and learn to trust it more fully.

There's little research on journaling and intuition, but there's a lot on journaling in general.

A study published in Advances in Psychiatric Treatment found that expressive writing can help people. process trauma, reduce anxiety and depression symptoms, and improve overall well-being.

In another study, published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, journaling was found to help manage stress and improve mood.

In terms of intuition, research has shown that individuals who are more mindful and self-aware tend to have a stronger connection to their intuition.

Journaling is a tool for developing mindfulness and self-awareness, which in turn will help individuals trust their intuition more fully.

Evidence suggests journaling improves mental health, manages stress, and develops mindfulness and self-awareness, all of which support intuition.

Overall, journaling is a powerful tool for building trust in your intuition. By reflecting on your thoughts and experiences, identifying patterns, and holding yourself accountable, you can learn to tune in to your inner voice. This will enable you to make decisions that align with your deepest values and desires.

But enough talk, it’s time to take action! I want to share with you the key journaling practise that has helped me strengthen the connection to myself and be able to rely on my intuition, every time. Click here to get my FREE "Holistic Journaling Prompts" to enhance and trust your intuition.


Lina V.

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