How to Find Fulfillment

business wellbeing Feb 16, 2023

Summary: Are you fulfilled in your personal and professional endeavors? If not, you might have done what most of us do. You probably chose a career path, a relationship, or where to live based on the options that were presented to you. Learn how to make choices that bring fulfillment with my "Holistic Alignment Process."

I think it's safe to say that every human being has a desire to feel a sense of fulfillment. This feeling of fulfillment can be found in many different forms, such as in relationships, in work, in hobbies, in travel…the list goes on. Everyone finds fulfillment in different ways, and it is critical to take the time to explore what brings you the most satisfaction.

Now here's the question: where do you start? 

How can you know what you like if you don't even know what you value?

My entire life had been spent in the academic realm, and I had never heard a lecture on how to find fulfillment. Isn't this important to everyone? Universities are all about giving students the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in life. However, while knowledge and skills play an important role, they don't always lead to fulfillment. That's why it's important to find other ways of acquiring a deeper sense of satisfaction through, for example, exploring hobbies, spending time with loved ones, and challenging ourselves to grow.

It's clear we won't find fulfillment in the classroom, so where can a person start looking for it



With my holistic model known as the Holistic Alignment Process, you can create a guide to clarify your goals and career options before making key life choices. This is similar to using a map to navigate a journey; where you can clearly see the paths available, understand which routes are the most direct, and explore the potential destinations. 

The result? You are able to find and commit to best-fitting opportunities that align with your personal success, desires and innate abilities. By aligning your values with your ambitions and natural abilities, it is a simple yet profound approach. Ultimately, this also eliminates the struggle and overthinking that often comes with needing to make important life decisions.

This is how you will find what's referred to in German as ‘Die Goldene Mitte’ (The Golden Centre).

The diagram above is an oversimplification of what I explore with my 1-1 clients. Don't be fooled however, this is an in-depth process that takes time and dedication. It’s also supported by research and proven to help you gain a deep sense of fulfillment in your personal life and career. 

Research suggests that there is a significant correlation between your abilities and fulfillment in your career. Without taking these specific criteria into account, you could end up with a career mismatch that causes you to feel dissatisfied, disappointed and depressed.

I found my Goldene Mitte, by starting with my core values. Your values are at the top and everything flows from there. I then explored my natural abilities and existing skills using our Holistic Alignment Checklist. In order to account for my passions, I also included my ambitions and desires.

"We don't start with our desires because this tends to be a flaky way of finding fulfillment and can lead to over-attachment to material things." 

What we know for a fact, is that people are happier and perform more effectively when their natural abilities are used to the fullest. Intelligent and motivated people however, can work against their natural inclinations, but are rarely satisfied doing so.

"Think about it, just because you are skilled at something doesn't mean it makes you happy, right?" 

In fact, if natural abilities are ignored, it often leads to a mismatched job and career fit. Natural abilities are the traits inherent in each person that make some tasks easier. Unfortunately, most people never figure this out in their lifetime which leads to a lack of fulfillment and stagnation. I certainly don't consider this to be a successful life!

By applying a holistic approach, alignment is created between your ambitions and abilities with your values at the center. In doing so, you will be able to understand your true desires and match them with your unique talents. Combined with the focused strategy that is implemented in my program, you will truly gain clarity around who you are and what matters most to begin a trajectory that will lead you to true fulfillment, financial security, and prosperity.  




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