The Secret to My Success: It's not what you think!

about me business language wellbeing Feb 28, 2023

SUMMARY: My secret to success isn't so much what I do, but what I don't do that makes my approach to life, my family, and how I run my business unique. Find out how I do it.

It honestly caught me off guard the first time someone asked me the question "Lina, how do you do it?" I was blown away initially, because I didn't think I was doing anything remarkable, but here is a list of things I have been asked multiple times in the past year:

  • How do you manage a business whilst being a mom?

  • How do you maintain a relationship while working with your partner?

  • What's the secret to success without sacrificing your wellbeing?

I have to tell you the truth here, there is actually nothing special that I am "doing." I still struggle like everyone else from time to time. Self-doubt and my inner critic still challenge me. Despite this, I have learned to be gentle and to remind myself that we all have our own paths and our own unique challenges.

"I have also come to realize that it's ok to not have all the answers and that I can still find success and happiness being my imperfect self." 

For instance, I don't have to be the fastest or the best to still make progress. I just have to keep showing up, be kind to myself and trust that I am doing the best that I can. Even when I may not be able to see the results of my efforts right away, I know that if I stay consistent and patient, I will eventually make progress. This helps me to stay motivated and keep going even when it gets tough and everything on the outside gives the impression as though I'm not making any progress.

"I show up every single day to do something that scares me." 

So, on the one hand, while the questions I receive do surprise me, I am honestly flattered that people would ask.  That's why I decided to give some insight into how I am actually doing all of this business stuff while managing a flourishing relationship and taking care of my little one without any family support or daycare.

On the other hand, I am also aware that not everyone has the same opportunities as me. I am very fortunate to have a partner who is supportive and actively shares the role of looking after our baby. I also have the privilege of being able to work from home and set my own schedule. I understand that not everyone has this privilege and that makes me even more grateful for the lifestyle I have. It's like having a strong safety net beneath me; making it easier for me to take risks and make progress in my life and business. Without it, the risks would seem insurmountable and I would probably be stuck in the same place for much longer. So having a supportive partner, mentor/coach and family is one of the pillars of anything that I have, that could be considered my greatest success.

So, how do I balance it all? It's not a magical thing really. And it's probably not what you think. I'm not doing anything special as I mentioned. That being said, what is special, is what I don't do!


Here's a short list of the things I don't do and their results over time:

  • I don't engage in conversations that are not uplifting. In the long run, this helps to preserve my energy.

  • I don't bring people around us who don't match our frequency. This helps us to stay in flow for long periods of time without interruptions of negativity.

  • I don't watch television. My mom has never been big on TV, so I guess I picked this up from her to some extent. Over time, I have seen how this impacts my time and energy, so it's something I have learned to appreciate.

  • I don't go a day without doing my spiritual practice. This is something I honestly take for granted because my relationships, family life, and business are all built on spiritual principles. So to be honest, without spirituality, things just wouldn't be the same in my life. It's like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. It's something that simply happens in our household and it truly sets us up for success in all dimensions of life.

  • I don't carry baggage from the past into my current relationship. Look, we all have things from the past that we have to deal with. Heaven knows I am not one to judge anyone about their past as my life has been a public display of ups and downs along the way. However, I have done the work and continue to work on myself on a daily basis to improve at least one inch at a time. This is how I keep growing because I do most of the work in silence & away from the spotlight.
  • I don't spend time gossiping about others. Energy is a limited resource, and everything that we do in life requires a certain amount of energy. One of the reasons why I am able to do quite a bit in my professional life is because I honestly don't spend even one ounce of energy worrying about anyone else's business. This has had a really powerful effect on my professional life because it means I have a full grasp of my own concerns and how to respond to them with speed and accuracy.

I could literally write an essay on this topic, lol. I spend quite a bit of time thinking about what not to do. The reason is that once I know what to avoid, my actions become easy. Decisions kind of just happen and our life flows that way. Knowing what not to do helps me to narrow down my choices and make decisions simpler. It allows me to focus on the positive aspects of what I want to do, instead of worrying about the potential pitfalls. This makes my life much easier and more enjoyable.

This is similar to the way a gardener carefully weeds and prunes a garden so that the plants they want to cultivate can flourish. By removing the potential threats, they create an environment where the good things they want to grow can thrive. In the same way, we must carefully prune away any potential threats to our success in order to create an environment where we can grow and flourish.

One of the fundamental things that has helped Peter and I build our life and business is to establish our core values.

Peter is a veteran of the U.S. Marines with 20 years of experience as a military strategist. He has been an entrepreneur since 2009, and has had a lof of experience and training on values, ethics, and leadership. P.S. His corporate accounts start at $10K! I guarantee, you that anything he delivers is pure gold and will definitely be beneficial for your life and business!

Both Peter and I have spent quite a bit of time putting some training together on this topic of values, clarity, and how to make the right choices for your life and business. With our combined expertise this training is packed with value, current research, and loads of client feedback that has allowed us to distill the training into a very compact checklist and video training series that will get you results immediately!

The opportunity to work with me one-on-one usually runs from $800 per month. However, I have been very fortunate to have these things into my life and I want to make sure that this training is accessible to as many people as possible.Therefore, we are offering access to this Training for just $10!  As a bonus, Peter will also be doing a live coaching session on values, clarity, and decisiveness inside the training module that will only be available there, so don't miss out on this opportunity!

It's time to start making choices that benefit your wellbeing!


Click the image below to find out more.

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